The Lions Eye Institute is grateful for the generosity of all of our donors and supporters. This vital support allows us to continue our investment into the prevention and treatment of sight threatening diseases.
Industry Affiliations
Australian Government –
Department of Health -
Carl Zeiss
PJ Architecture
Rural Health West
Santos Limited
Specsavers Pty Ltd
The University of Western
Australia -
WA Child Research Fund
WA Country Health Service
WA Department of Health
- Australian Foundation for the Prevention of Blindness
- Bowen Foundation
- Carcione Foundation
- Constantine Family Foundation Pty Ltd
- H & H Cohney Foundation
- Lions Save-Sight Foundation
- McCusker Charitable Foundation
- Perth Eye Foundation
- Stan Perron Charitable Foundation Ltd
- Telethon Trust
- The Lindsay & Heather Payne Medical Research Charitable Foundation
- The Fred Hollows Foundation
- The Patrick Foundation
- Wen Giving Foundation
- Wheatley Family Foundation
Special Gifts
- R Berry
- Mr Robert Branchi
- Mr and Mrs Vernon and Anne Fountain
- Mr John Giles
- Mr Jeffrey Hay
- Mr and Mrs Norman and Freda Hogg
- Mr and Mrs Milenko and Frances Mihaljevich
- Mr Walter Milsteed
- Mr and Mrs Brad and Carolyn Miocevich
- Mr Carlo Orlando
- Mrs Lynette Purser
- Mrs Gwynneth Roberts
- Mr and Mrs John and Lee Saleeba
- Mr Keith Spence
- Mrs and Mrs Peter and Melva Stevens
- Mrs Nora Susac
- Mrs and Mr Helen and Joe Sweet
- Dr Sjakon Tahija
- Mr and Mrs H and M Tracey
- Mr and Mrs John and Anna Uyen
- Mrs Rhonda Wyllie
Pledges of support from WA Lions Clubs
- LEI Lions Club of Perth
- Lions Club of Ballajura
- Lions Club of Busselton
- Lions Club of Claremont/Nedlands
- Lions Club of Dardanup
- Lions Club of Dunsborough
- Lions Club of Kojonup
- Lions Club of Margaret River
- Lions Club of Moora
- Lions Club of Morley